Monday, February 25, 2013

It will be very interesting to see how far we take technology in the next 20 years.
main image

This is the google glass
This made me laugh out loud thought I would share.
main image

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Nothing more than a super rad font.

ManĂ¡ UT

Great Web Design

Tonight, as I was downloading a new Audiobook (yep, that nerdy), I noticed's new layout. The important stuff is bigger, and it is a lot more personable and modern. As a customer, I appreciated knowing where to click on the first glance, and the simple approach the designers took. Well done, Audible, well done.

Talk To Yourself Hat

Artist Kate Hartman uses wearable electronics to explore how we communicate, with ourselves and with the world. In this quirky and thought-proviking talk she shows the "Talk To Yourself Hat", the "Inflatable Heart", the "Glacier Embracing Suit", and other unexpected devices.

A performance on google street view

If you ever played counterstrike

Google maps art installation

A simple N cheap way to vacuum form plastic

DVD dead drop art installation

detailed persona

I like this persona it is a little more in depth. I like the graphs explaining the person more

persona presentation styles

I might try a similar format to this.. simple and clean

Evan's Infographic

Evan Howard

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rough Draft Infographic

I thought we were supposed to post the rough draft of our infographic on the blog. No? Yes?

Forbes post.

This has been floating around the Facebook. Take a look

You can read about how vaccines have changed our lives here...

Forbes Article

Charlie Todd: The shared experience of absurdity

I absolutely love ImprovEverywhere, and this is the man behind it all, Charlie Todd. He is a great experiential designer and is a great observer of space.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Love to look at this.  I would get it for the kids but not sure if it would get used the way intended by the designer.

Eye Robot

Eye Robot explores the intersection of computation, robotic fabrication, and cinematography 

A User Experience Story.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Oakley Airwave

Oakley is another company that continually is being innovative, and is obviously famous for their innovative glass, that hasn't quite been beaten.  Here's a pair of goggles that are completely innovative, but a little excessive.

Salt Lake City Design Collective...?

An idea that has been floating around (thanks to Evan) is starting a SLC DC (Salt Lake City Design Collective). There are a couple places like this already going, and one that I think would be super neat is one based on Geary in San Francisco called Makeshift Society. Here's their website:

Well Thought

Creative campaign ads to make you laugh and have an impact. Enjoy.

Multi-functional, simple, & natural products are my favorite. 

The Brain!

Great graphic on left and right brain presented by Mercedes.

Nike Prosthetic

Nike is continually growing and coming out with new inventions that continue to stretch their market.  But didn't think of them going into prosthetics.

The Perfect Pour

Posted from a coffee shop:



Cafe Racer/ clean wire image



I was just reading about this website, and it just goes to show that almost anything can be turned into an awesome infographic

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I thought I would add some architecture to the blog since I havent seen any yet. And I thought I would keep it local. Imbue Design belongs to one of our own adjunct professors Hunter Gunderson. They have some amazing projects going on and a lot of them can be found right here in Salt Lake.

London Design Museum

The Design Museum in London, which is a great place with lots of fun exhibits (everyone should check out their website every now and then, or follow them on twitter), announced their new location/building plans a year ago, but I just saw it today when I was on vimeo. It looks like it will be great! Can we take a field trip?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Infographics of Infographics

The Very, Very Many Varieties of Beer

Emotional Connection

A Day At The Dog Park


"Measuring the Universe"
Says  a lot even though you can't read each individual.

Designing to compliment the environment

Interacting with your environment.

The Grand Taxonomy of Rap Names. Great Infographic!

Found on Colossal this book depicts-every-color-imaginable

Octopus Earbuds by Donghee Suh » Yanko Design

Octopus Earbuds by Donghee Suh » Yanko Design

A neat solution to a minor setback in everday life.