Monday, September 14, 2015

Google Logo Design

Apparently, designers were involved when redesigning Google's logo, as evidenced here. It's a really cool look into the design process of one of the biggest brands in the world.


  1. Has anyone else loved the new logo design like I do? I appreciate the "process" and hope that others will take notice that it wasn't just a few people at Google who said, "Hey, that looks nice. Let's go with it." It was systematic and deliberate and BASED ON RESEARCH.

  2. This is interesting to note because I noticed the change in logo for Google, but did not realize the amount of design process that had gone into(this may speak to quality design but that is another blog post entirely). It was very interesting to note all of the subtle things that they tried to make everything flow and to see the reasoning as to why almost every detail is the way that it is. Yet I wonder how much of this was brought up after the fact, that is, to justify their changes after they had a final result in such a big corporate design setting.
