Here is an extensive interview with user-centered outdoor gear designer Scott McGuire. It's a pretty lengthy interview where he goes through the ins and outs of his entire design process, and I think it should be especially helpful for anyone currently in the camping studio.
Really awesome article, made me think a lot more about what aspects of the user will come into play with products I design. I will definitely be extending my user evaluations to gain a better understanding of what problems arise and when they arise and how they can be solved.
ReplyDeleteYou weren't kidding when you said that this was a long article! I really liked the aspects of the article that describe the design almost leading itself in that there is really only one way for it to have happened, yet it seems so natural and fluid from a future perspective. An example of this is the iconic black north face shoulder, which arose out of necessity as the only material strong enough to endure the sharp edge of skis was a military nylon that was only available in black.
ReplyDeleteJonah, I perused the article, and I found it very engaging, as well as interesting. It's almost disheartening, to be honest, because I'm beginning to realize all of the considerations I'm not, well, considering. I'm really paying attention to this article because of its emphasis on soft goods. Bookmarked, thanks!